Karma FAQ’s
The law of karma states, that every action performed in life creates another reaction which in turn produces a new counter action. Thus an endless chain of actions and reactions is produced which binds the living entity to his good and bad deeds. This is the way how karma works. It creates an action and another reaction simultaneously and this increases the chain of material activities, keeping the performer in material bondage.Action has three components: the senses, the work and the doer and three motivating factors: knowledge, the object of knowledge, and the knower.The soul within the body is acting to bring about the results of activity and is therefore known as the doer. Its instruments of action are the senses, and for each and every action there is a different endeavor.From one life to the next, and from one cosmic creation to the next, the living entity makes a determination to act in a certain way, and then he is entangled in the reactions to his work. After giving up one body, he enters another, and usually he forgets everything about his previous life.The Super soul in everyone’s heart witnesses one’s past desires and gives one facilities and directions how to fulfill them. In this way, the soul reaps the results of his actions.Karma- and the Bible The universal law of karma is also explained in the holy Bible which we know by the statement:”as ye sow, so also shall ye reap”.It says, that whatever you sow, so also shall you reap [the fruits of action]. It also says that you only reap as a result of having sown in previous periods. That what you are reaping today in your life, is a result of what you have sown in the past. And what you reap in the future is a result of what you sow now. This is generally known as the law of sowing and reaping or the law of “return”, which returns to us in an similar way that what we do unto others.Therefore Lord Jesus Christ says: “Do unto others as you would them have done unto you” The principle of Karma is that for the good actions one performs one receives good reactions, and if one inflicts pain or violence on others, one will suffer equal violence either in this life or the next.This is also confirmed in the Bible by the statement: ” An eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, life for a life”. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Or in other words, if a human being for example, unnecessary takes the life of an innocent animal he must suffer the result at some point in the future; namely he must give his own life for taking a life.The law of karma states that everything which happens in our lives is nothing but the reaction of our past activities. Everything that we are today is the sum total result of all our activities performed up to this moment. If we wish our lives to be different in the future we have to change our activities in the present; and by doing so we change the direction of our lives.Activities are, therefore, always the primary causes of the conditions or effects, experienced in our lives. There is, in fact, no such thing as an accident. Everything that happens to us happens by the cause and effect and not by chance. For every effect in our lives there is a specific cause and if we do not like the effects that we are enjoying or suffering, then we have to analyse the causes and change our activities accordingly.The law of karma means that a human being lives within parameters created by actions performed in prior lifetimes. The energy that the planets cast are called grahas and these grahas can be tuned. There are nine ( graha means ‘ to seize or influence):Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus,Saturn, Sun, Moon, Rahu and Ketu. When the planets are weak or in a bad place in the horoscope then they adversely affect the person. All of us are affected by all the grahas all the time. What do these remedies(totkas) do ? To give you a simile: The day will continue to be hot but you will get a fan to cool you.If you feel cold get a shawl It might rain – but you get an umbrella.In short to bring relief and nullify your problems, the sages developed remedies using gems, mantras, prayers, colours, fasts,charity,metals and amulets. I would like to suggest the readers again that you should not rely on these remedies alone for success. Karma is supreme, so have faith in yourself and keep working hard. Remedies are there to help you but not to alleviate the need to do karma.Remedy For Job: This remedy should be done on the day of interview or examination. This remedy is not an alternative to your studies, revision or practice; it can help you to get positive vibrations and extra support as a compliment. Here is the remedy:
- Before leaving the house for interview or examination, eat gud (Jaggery) and drink a little water.
- You may recite the following chaupai from Ram Charit Manas for 8 times before moving out of the house on the day of interview. ” Prabasi nagar keejey sab kaaja, Hirdya raakhi Kaushalpur Raja ” —— { ram charit manas }
- Check by pressing both the nostril one by one, breath will be coming more easily from one of the nostrils, if it is the right nostril, you are ready to go, else wait for some time and check the nostrils again. After every 10 minutes the breath keeps changing from one nostril to other. When the breath is on right nostril, take the right leg out of the house first and leave the house.
- Check the Rahu kaalam and see that you do not move out in Rahu kaalam. Rahu Kaal is an inauspicious time of the day and it is different for each day and location.
- On the way offer milk at any temple or worship place.
For having better job Take a big yellow lemon and cut it in 4 equal parts in the evening or before sunrise and go to chauraha [ where four roads meet] and throw the pieces on all four directions. After throwing pieces go home and not anywhere else. Repeat this remedy for 11 days.Remedies for saving one from bad eyes of others Take a piece of fitkari and give 21 rounds of it around the affected person. Take it to chauraha and throw it on the south side.Take some burning coal in a vessel and put loban powder on it. Let it smell spread through out the house. While doing so, do not keep the vessel on the floor, table etc. keep holding it. Throw the burned coal in a place outside the house and wash the vessel. Do this on Tuesday for three months.Tie one red chilli, sindoor, an iron nail and seven grains of black dal in a white cotton cloth and hang it on the bed of the effected person.Remedies for improvement of relations Take 7 flower shaped longs [ cloves] and take the name of the person with whom one wants to improve the relations 21 times and burn one clove on a Sunday. Do this for seven Sundays till the cloves finish. Ladies should avoid doing this at time of cycle.A pinch of turmeric powder should be mixed in the water before taking bath. At night, keep water on head side and pour in the root of any planted tree. Light a lamp of ghee or Dhoop everyday in the evening. Take it to every corner of your house. This brings positivity in a house and frees the environment from any negative forces.Remedies for peace and prosperity Everyday perform hanuman pooja. On Saturday give oil for lord shani.Keep fast and do Shiv pooja on Mondays during sawan month.Give one pair of shoes to a poor person on Saturday.While getting up in the morning look at your palms and kiss them three times, starting from Saturday and do not tell about it to any one. Stones have special place for peaceful and successful life. -
What are Vedic Astrology Remedies?
- Human beings in their life face a lot of pain, misery and troubles, which affect them both emotionally as well as physically. To avoid pain and to seek pleasure has been one of the major objectives of our lives. The other major objective for a select few of us is to know our true self and to know the ultimate reality and be one with it. Whether the objective is material or spiritual, as per one’s destiny there could be a lot of hurdles. Vedic (Indian) astrology has not only given us tools to determine what’s destiny has in store for us but also ways to avoid the hurdles in achieving our material or spiritual goals. These ways as suggested by the Divine Intuitions principles are called remedies. All these remedies attempt to correct one of the two situations as depicted in your chart. They are making good planets stronger or making effect of bad planets weaker.
Doubts about Divine Vedic Astrology Remedies?
- A number of people who believe in Indian astrology refuse to believe the efficacy of the remedial measures it offers. Here are some of many questions I have received in the past. “The underlying assumption of astrology being karma theory and planets being just ‘soochakas’ rather than ‘karakas’ (signals rather than doers), is there a justification for remedy at all?” “All of life events are something that I feel are destined. If they are destined and my astrological charts are telling me this, how can I change something written in my chart and hence in my destiny” “If my chart is predicting an unfavorable event in my life, and by remedies if I am able to stop or change that event from happening, wouldn’t that be a great help. The answer is obviously.. if we understand how planets effect us to begin with to give the life destiny handed over to us.. we can surely alter those effects to make them work for us. That’s what remedies are all about. They are our attempt to alter the natural effects of planets. We do that by experimenting with gems (which use electromagnetic radiations), Mantras. (Which use sound waves) and Yantras (which use geometrical and mathematical shapes). There are various astrological remedies available in vedic astrology such as mantras, tantras, astro-numerological yantra, gems, rudrakshas, fasts etc. I suggest the relevant vedic astrological remedies as per your stars in the horoscope and provide vedic astrology yantra and gems duly purified and energized. They enhance the positive aura and dispel the evil obstructions in the lives.
What is the Astrological basis of Remedies?
- Planets move in the skies in a pre determined way. The permutations and combinations they form are all predetermined and are being governed by natural laws. Reasoning then suggests that the only way destiny can control your next birth based on your karmas is by choosing a time for your birth when the certain planetary combinations suited to give you the results based on your past karmas are present. So destiny does it role by choosing that moment and giving you a life as per the planetary combinations and their natural effects. Now destiny’s role is done and planets take over to give you the results based on the combinations present at the time of your birth. But what if the man learns to alter the effects of planets to some extent now.. can he alters his predefined life now…. the answer is obviously.. if we understand how planets effect us to begin with to give the life destiny handed over to us.. we can surely alter those effects to make them work for us. That’s what remedies are all about. They are our attempt to alter the natural effects of planets. We do that by experimenting with gems (which use electromagnetic radiations), Tantras. (Which use sound waves & rituals) and Yantras (which use geometrical and mathematical shapes).
How you determine Remedy?
- A doctor needs to determine your health and other drug history before prescribing a medicine. he does that to make sure that there are no unwanted interactions with other drugs you are taking, your body will be able to take the side effects and the drug will be effective given your age, weight, blood pressure etc. An astrologer pretty much needs to do a similar analysis but unfortunately some astrologers do half halfheartedly or unknowingly. For an e.g. Let’s say that a native comes to you with a problem of not able to gain a lot wealth. Now the problem has two parts, he must be able to make a lot of money as well as he must be able to accumulate a lot of wealth by proper savings or investments. What if you suggest a remedy, which will help him, earn a lot of money by making a particular planet stronger? But what if that planet is bad for accumulating wealth? By suggesting that remedy you just made sure that he will earn a lot of money but will not be able to save or invest it properly. That person will obviously come back later on and say that the remedy never worked. The correct way of suggesting the remedy is as follows. ·First Determine the overall bad and good effects of all planets and number vibrations in the chart. ·Next determine the strength of all those planets & numbers. ·Next determine what is causing the trouble. A weak but good planet or a strong but malefic planet. ·If both of the above cases are present then choose the weak but the good planet for remedy. ·If weak but good planet or number is picked for remedy, then I determine if that planet is capable of producing bad effects for any house. Checking the strength of that house, if the house is otherwise strong proceed, otherwise I also include in your remedy the good planet for that chart to protect that house. ·If strong but malefic planet is picked up for remedy, I determine if that planet (specially the houses on which that planet lords over) is good for any house. Then I repeat the same process as explained above to make the affected house stronger. · At last finally check the dasha scheme, check the relationship of the planet with the dasha lord and see if they are compatible. If not compatible then I suggest a remedy for the dasha lord instead of the planet in question. As you can see the results will really vary chart to chart. That’s why no remedy works the same way for all the people. Remedies do work, but determine the right remedy takes real skill and years of experience.
Why Remedies do not work?
- All of the above are excellent questions. But there is valid theory behind the concept of remedies. Just like when a drug company introduces a new drug, it goes through clinical trials for several years before it is released for the consumption of common public, similarly these remedies are tried and tested by years of practice of our ancient seers. However just as a drug is not suitable for everyone and only a very experienced doctor can tell if a drug is right under certain conditions, similarly only a very experienced astro-numerologist can tell the right remedy for the right person valid under certain conditions. Majority of the so-called astrologers do not follow the rules correctly and hence give a bad name to these remedies.
One should donate on the following Tithis (dates)
- Shukla Poornima in Jyestha, Vaishakh month, Dasham or Poornima day in Aashad month, Krishna Ashtami in Shravana month , Tritiya of Krishna Paksha in month of Bhadrapada , Kartik Shukla Dwadeshi and Poornima , Paush Shukla Ekadashi, Mayh Shukla Tritiya and Saptami, Phalguna Amavasya in Poornima , Chaitra Krishna Panchami , Chaitra Shukla Panchami Vaishakh Shukla Tritiya , Kartik Shukla Saptami , Margshish Shukla Navami ,Magh Shukla Trayodashi , Phalgun Krishna Tritiya.
The remedies do not bring success directly but they just help overcome the obstacles and difficult situations. Remedies can not substitute the efforts that are mandatory to achieve the goals.